Habits in your life will continue to determine where you are going and whether you will arrive or not.
Habits have the power to direct your life and to determine your ability to succeed. But, what is a habit? A habit is nothing more than behaviors that are repeated regularly and are executed without questioning. Simple, right? Nevertheless, incorporating a daily habit in real life can become challenging and frustrating.
Your habits magnify or limit you. No doubt about it. The biggest and most successful entrepreneurs, as well as the most influential and famous people, have habits that have led them to success, even more; they have made success a habit. Is the success in your daily habit?
It is undeniable that those who develop habits for success and make them part of their daily lives make success a habit. As leaders, our influence must lead the way to success. Every challenge that our organizations encounter, presents an opportunity for growth and development every day.
Successful leaders understand that success as a habit is nothing more than a culture of success lived on a daily basis, and it is because of this that they:
- Stay passionate every day for what they do
- Develop plans and strategies to put into action daily
- Focus their daily attention on their strengths
- Grow daily internally before promoting external growth
- Persevere daily in their vision for success
The leader who decides to live within a culture of success, on a daily basis, not only for him but also for those around him, has such high standards that e defeat is not an option.
If you make an inventory of your day, just like everybody else, you will be able to identify things that you could have left out, others that you must maintain and others that you should add.
I would like you to do the following exercise: list 5 habits that should not be part of your daily routine and ask yourself, “Why can’t they be part of my daily agenda?” Make a list as well of 5 habits that should remain and ask yourself “how are these habits helping me every day to achieve my goals and those of my organization?”
Question: What daily habits are leading you to success?