Is It Misunderstandings Or Just A Culture Shock?

Although we speak the same language, when we begin to interact with others we realize quickly that there are different points of view, mostly between what may or may not be appropriate. It is there where there may be misunderstandings or bad communication that creates low productivity in organizations.


The lack of cultural awareness and of a global mentality in this globalized era in which we live continues to cause cultural shocks in today’s organizations. Learning how to interpret not only our own culture but the behavior of others according to their own perspective is an indispensable skill for the global leader.

How can we understand others from their culture’s point of view?

More than 4 billion habitants, which represents half of the planet’s population, are connected through the Internet. These are numbers that we cannot ignore since nowadays much of what happens around us is being influenced by these statistics.

Moreover, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations in its annual report revealed that in 2017 approximately 258 million people migrated internationally and this figure will continue to increase at a rapid pace.

Therefore, if your personal and professional skills, your experience, and your perspective are not supported by a global mentality, you are missing out on great opportunities that globalization offers you and unfortunately, little by little, you will become obsolete.

In order to develop a global mentality, one of the most important competencies that you should have is self-cultural knowledge. One of the advantages of cultural awareness is that you can identify the existing differences and similarities between you and others.

Increasing self-cultural knowledge has several advantages for the global leader, such as:

  • The similarities that you find in others will allow you to unify a vision and a strategy that will focus on productivity and success.
  • Differences can be a challenge, but when handled correctly they become an added value to our teams. In addition, being aware of the differences between you and others allows you to determine if they have an impact and if they could sidetrack a project or reduce productivity.

Please let us know if you are interested in training, mentoring and coaching in the areas of global leadership and a global mindset. Get in touch with us in order to know the programs that will take your leadership, your team, and your organization to the next level.

Question:  What kind of strategy are you implementing to avoid misunderstandings when you relate to others