The 5 More Common Mistakes: Disinterest towards other cultures

Informal meetings between entrepreneurs or “networking events” are one of the activities in which the global leader faces cultural differences.

networking events

Let’s look at the benefits of building business relationships and how having an interest and curiosity toward other cultures can become a competitive advantage for entrepreneurs in today’s world.

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In the city of Miami, where I lived, the chambers of commerce, as well as business’ organizations hold conferences and events for large and small groups on a weekly basis.

The vision of these events is to bring together entrepreneurs and business owners, from all types of industries, under one roof with the desire to expand their knowledge, improve their strategies, and build new and valuable business relationships.

It is clear that building business relationships are crucial to sustaining and growing any organization. Among the biggest benefits are:

  1. Learn about the different corporate cultures practiced today and improve your business’ culture.
  2. Make your business idea known and position your business.
  3. Understand various industries and their business needs.
  4. Find other entrepreneurs who can meet your business needs.
Needless to say, curiosity has always been one of the greatest engines of the advancement of humanity and the starting point of every entrepreneur. Albert Einstein said: “I have no special talents, but I am deeply curious.”

We have enough examples of successful global leaders, which prove that curiosity can lead a person to expand their knowledge. Even more so, they used curiosity as a fundamental element in business development and success.

One of them is Steve Jobs, creator of the iPhone, who was known for his vision and creativity which led him to be one of the most important visionaries and innovators of this century.

Indifference towards others will not allow you to extend your vision in a globalized world. But, instead, curiosity in the global leader allows:

  1. Innovation. In the changing environment in which globalization moves us daily, the leader who keeps curiosity about the different ways of doing things is the one who finds new ways to innovate systems, services, or products.
  2. Connection. In order to influence others, it is essential to know how to connect with them, especially in the multicultural environment in which we live. Leaders who have learned the art of connecting with others are curious about them.

    In addition, they have the ability to communicate their ideas persuasively, establish immediate acceptance, attract followers, create and maintain successful teams, and lead organizations to success.

    To elevate your skills in these areas, visit us at LEADINFORCE, we can help you achieve it.

  3. Perspective. Curiosity is what allows you to be connected to the world that surrounds you and to be aware of the best technologies, developments, and advances. Thus, you have a better perspective to provide the right solutions. Every entrepreneur and organization has its own culture. Cultural differences are not a barrier to the global leader; on the contrary, they are the opportunity to grow and extend borders.

Question:  How can you extend your influence, using curiosity?