In which areas are you losing the battle?

Have you ever wondered why you are very successful in some areas and not in others? Some people are more successful in their professional lives but not in their personal lives. This is also true for those who consider they have a successful personal life but have financial challenges.


There are several reasons why people are not successful in all areas of their lives. One of these reasons is because they have not been motivated and directed towards developing their full potential. On the other hand, over time they acquire values and opinions that unfortunately become self-limiting beliefs, and that leads them to make incorrect decisions.

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Self-limiting beliefs prevent people from hearing that inner voice that we all have, called hope. This is a force that is within us, that allows us to take the next step that helps us to grow and take action.

If you have suffered losses that lead to self-limiting beliefs, it is very common that these beliefs are reflected in your daily life. In addition, they can become the foundation of low self-esteem, little confidence in ourselves and others, or even turn into depression.

For example, if in your younger years you had a friend who betrayed you and told your classmates a secret that you revealed to him/her, your confidence probably deteriorated. It is very likely that over the years you think that you should not trust others or that those who know you from one moment to the next will betray you.

Fortunately, people have a dream, some have it in their minds and some have it in their hearts, but we all have it. The challenge that exists is that not many follow or work to achieve it.

Desiring, wanting, and waiting is not enough. If you examine your interior, you will find the correct reasons to take that first step. Take some time to reflect, look at the results you’ve had in the past two weeks, and ask yourself, in what area or areas of my life am I losing the battle, and have I settled in?

In the area that you identify that you are not winning, where it’s necessary to retake or improve, observe what you do or stop doing and ask yourself: What is stopping me from winning?

Analyze: those who do not know, do not know. Yes, I know that you have to read it twice to make sense of it, but it is a great truth. If you haven’t figured out what’s holding you back, you can’t take action to change it.

It is for this reason that I advise you to do this process in the company of a Coach or a Mentor, who will help you clarify what is stopping you, create a plan, and take action.

As an Executive Coach, I believe that an important area in which we must work on when we talk about succeeding in all important areas of our lives is habits.

Do this exercise for the area you identified at the beginning and start winning. Ask yourself:

  1. What habits have I developed that limit progress in this area?
  2. What habits must I create to make progress in this area?

Identify these habits and start working on them. Make the decision not to give up until you take control of the area where you want to win the battle again.

Question:  In which areas are you losing the battle?